Marriage Satisfaction Quiz


Record your feelings about your marriage by rating each “I Am” statement below from 1-10, with 10 being very pleased and 0 being not at all pleased.

1)   Pleased with the amount we talk to each other

2)   Happy with the friends we share in common ­­

3)   Satisfied with our sex life ­­­­

4)   Satisfied with the amount of time each of us spend at work/home  ­

5)   In agreement with the way we spend money ­­­

6)   Pleased with the kind of parent he/she is ­­­­­­­­

7)   Of the opinion that we are on the same team ­­­

8)   Pleased with our leisure time together ­­­­

10)   In agreement with values, attitudes, religious beliefs

11)   Pleased with the way my spouse relates to his/her family ­­

12)   Satisfied with the way my spouse relates to my family ­­­­

13)   Pleased with my spouses habits, mannerisms, overall appearance ­­­

Total Your Score  _______

Adapted from Marital Myths Revisited:

A Fresh Look at Two Dozen Mistaken Beliefs About Marriage – by Dr. Arnold A. Lazarus.


More than 84 You have a VERY GOOD marriage

72-83 You have SATISFACTORY feelings and interactions

61-71 You need to make some BASIC CHANGES

Less than 60 You are experiencing a POOR level of satisfaction


Know matter your score, your marriage can be improved so that you experience more joy than grief.  People who believe that nothing can be done to improve a bad marriage are incorrect.  Many throw up their hands at the possibility of saving their once-happy marriage. Though it may be difficult, it is absolutely possible, to transform a poor marriage into a great one!